Saturday, March 19, 2011

Headshots and Hockey: An Understood Risk

Injuries have been a problem for the NHL as long as the league has been around.  Anyone who watches NHL games regularly has seen something horrible happen on the ice.  In a game that has always resisted change, it's not easy to prevent horrible injuries.  Let's face it, the last time someone played without a helmet was only in 1997.

In January, the NHL brass gave us there new favorite buzz-word, "headshot."  Now, in March, you can't read a hockey website without hearing it. Late in the 2nd period of the Winter Classic, Pittsburgh's Sydney Crosby looked up ice just in time to say hello to Washington's David Steckel.  Did it look dirty? Sure.  Did Steckel do it on purpose? Possibly.  Is it something we've never seen before? No.  In fact, it looked pretty similar to Pittsburgh's Matt Cooke's season-ending hit on Boston's Marc Savard a year earlier.  Savard is still suffering from sever Post-Concussion Syndrome that has sidelined him for the rest of the 2010-2011 season.  Watch the video below:

Matt Cooke is the last of a dying breed, the hockey enforcer.  So what should the NHL do?  They should get rid of Matt Cooke.

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